Flushing a toilet can account for 30% of the total water usage in a household, if there is an old toilet in the property it is efficient to replace the toilet with a new one that has a water-saving dual flush cistern.

Taps should be turned off when they are not in use, for example when brushing your teeth turn your tap off! This can save up to 5 litres of water per minute!

Another option you can opt-in for is a sensor-operated basin tap which will automatically turn off when it cannot sense your hands, this reduces the amount of water usage by 70%

A flow restrictor can be fitted to your taps and showerhead to help conserve water. It reduces the amount of water usage to a set amount of gallons per minute.

Having a showers uses 40% less water than having a bath.

Fixing any dipping taps can save up to 90 litres of water per week and 4,680 litres each year.